“Yet it is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succor of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they shall have is not ours to rule.” Lord Of The Rings, J.R.R. Tolkein

Monday, September 14, 2015

First off, thank you, and Kellie, and Grandma and Grandpa for the counsel on confrontational situations! Seriously, I can't tell you enough how much that helped. Gaining all that wisdom from the people that I respect more than anyone was really amazing. I'm super grateful. I'll be prayerfully studying what you have outlined and I can't wait to implement it. It's really helping me already! Mom, I couldn't agree with you more when you say I am growing so quickly. I don't even know what to do with myself! The Lord is really accelerating my learning and teaching me the things that will help me in the future. Sometimes I get "growing pains", but that's the name of the game! Growth is always uncomfortable and disjointed, but through the Lord we can all make it through. Learning from President Miles has been an honor! He really is an inspired man. While Elder Martino was here (I'll get to the details in my update) he talked about how, yes, there are definitely people within the bounds of this mission that individual missionaries are meant to personally help, but he mentioned that he believes a lot of the reason we are called to the missions that we are in is so that we can associate with our assigned Mission President and Wife. Mom, President Miles is teaching me so much, and I'm so grateful for him. Out in the Mission Field, the Mission President and his wife become a surrogate Mother and Father to the missionaries. There's no need to worry about me in that regard, because I'm well taken care of! Elder Martino told the missionaries that they didn't need to worry about how to treat their spouse as long as we followed the example of President and Sister Miles. Mom, it's so true. He treats her like an ANGEL, and she is always a constant support and strength, both for herself and for her husband.
And as far as learning from Grandfather Jackson, the counsel and wisdom to be gained has been unrivaled by nearly every other mentor in my entire life. I can't speak well enough of him and the impact he's had on my life. He's always been right there to help guide and direct.
I'm glad that Curious Savage is going so well! Glad to hear Enoch came to see it and visit. Enoch is just a straight up stud. I miss him so much! It's kind of insane. The last time I saw him was right before a performance of Joseph. My voice was giving out and I didn't feel good about performing that night, so I asked him if he'd give me a blessing. So he took me into Xanthe's room and gave me a blessing that assured me that the show would go well and that I would perform to the best of my ability. I don't think we had a better show that entire run. Thank Heaven for the priesthood, and thank Heaven for a worthy guy like Enoch to be ready and willing to use it. What a guy. I would love to do some shows with him when I get home;)

I haven't actually taken many pictures in the last few weeks, but I repented a little this week and took some good ones. There is one of David Peterson, who is one of the members in the shirt burning video. David served his mission in the Scotland/Ireland mission, and so he wears his kilt to church all the time and always sneaks us Irn Bru;) You'll see on the drive.

Luke McIver is awesome! I'm so glad he and Sarah are in some theater classes. Theater will really help them flourish. They are going to be amazing! The McIver Clan is always so kind to send me packages. Beth always sends the most thoughtful, hand-made cards. She seriously has a talent! I miss Ginger too..... That kid is a brother!

Alright, now for my update!

This week has been pretty awesome. I'll start with Elder Martino!
He pretty much gave the juiciest talk that I've heard on the mission thus far. He talked a LOT about working with members, but honestly, it was his talk on obedience that really hit me. It was incredible. He spoke of how much we expect of our investigators. He outlined what we ask them to do as we teach them the discussions. We expect them to change the way they eat, drink, dress, speak, live, and think. And then we expect them to change the fabric of their nature and change things about their character that are just overwhelming. And then I think the Texan in Him came out because he said "We expect our investigators to do all of this, and you can't even get out of bed at 6:30?" HOLY CRUD! After that comment was made, an Elder raised his hand and explained how many missionaries struggle with just that. Waking up on time. Then the elder asked how we could access the Savior's grace to help us wake up on time. Again, Elder Martino's inner Texan came out and his answer to that question was "You get over it." SO AMAZING. I think a lot of Elders make small problems into big ones by imagining them into these huge issues. Waking up on time is simple. GET. UP. I just loved how he said what everyone was thinking, haha.
Anyway, I also got to very briefly speak with him about Robinne! I asked if he remembered her and he said "Of course I do!" and then I told him that she was proud of him and he said that he was really grateful. He didn't have a lot of time, but it was good:)
Other than that, things have been going pretty well! I'm doing well and I'm loving every second out here! My love of the Savior is growing and all of my happiness is in Him!

I love you!

-Elder Warenski

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